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Who we are

An NGO focusing on Community Development specially Education

Rasta is a 27 year old not for profit organization. So far we have impacted 2,50,000 beneficiaries directly and more than 5,00,000 beneficiaries indirectly through 33 projects with the support of 37 supporting partners and well-wishers.

Credible and Transparent organization
Girl Child Education
Creation of innovative TLM’S and Teacher Training

What We Do

Education is regarded as a critical component for societal growth and well-being. Rasta’s educational initiatives include Pre-school [3-6 yrs], Non Formal Education [6-14 yrs non-school going], Remedial Education [6-14 yrs school going] and Bridge Course [14-18 yrs drop-outs].

Community Health i.e. Preventive, Promotive and Curative is another important programmatic core area. Rasta visits the community and organizes various health camps at which services like growth monitoring, supply of nutritious food/special diet for small children, are rendered.

Women empowerment has always been a focus area for Rasta. It is done through educating girls, providing Vocational and skill trainings to them. Since 2006, Educating girls became the sole objective of our team.

Rural Development- Nainwal Pali is located at a distance of 48 km towards the west from headquarters of Almora district, 6 km from Sult block, and 158 km from Dehradun, Capital of Uttarakhand. It is medium size village located in BHIKIYASAIN Tehsil of Almora district.

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Success Stories

Impacted 28000+ Lives
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With the growing disparity in gender ratio, Girls are the one who suffer the most and are denied of basic education . To address this issue Rasta is running a school for girls and these girls are the first generation learners and for their parents education is not considered important. To educate these girls your support is needed .


Millions of children are still denied Right to education due to poverty.

A Child's Education

Start sponsoring a child’s education and transform their lives.

A CLASS (30 girls)

Invest in their future , Your support is needed for girls to continue their education, Donate Today

General Donation

Child sponsorship is a programme that matches needy children with caring sponsors like you!

Rasta in Media

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